Monday, 23 April 2012

Real vs Unreal

So, who could tell me what is real and what is unreal?

I was spending two days – 48 hours with him, in fact I have spent 1 year and 4 months loving him.
When I took him to airport this morning, I was questioning, what is real between us?
Is it worth to spend time loving him, and yet, I doubt what is the result of this kind of “very complicated” relationship?
What is the most important factor of Real?
Is this relationship actually happening or not? Is this result of the reality, or just my wishful thinking?
These questions trigger me to think more and more about this relationship.
Well, let me elaborate what was happening between me and him.
So.. we are together, mm not we aren’t.. he does with someone else..
We are falling in love for each other, mmm not quite sure. 
I can assure that i am falling in love with him, but not quite sure vice versa..
We are meeting each other. Yes, we are regularly meet each other.
We are taking care of each other. mmm, sort of..
So can we categorize this as relationship?
real one? or unreal one?

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