Monday 2 June 2014

Good morning, June!

Its 2nd of June.

I should write this on 1st but it falls on Sunday this year..
so I decide to write on 2nd when it falls on Monday instead :)

I write this on Monday morning, people!
I never never never thought that I will be able to write on morning, and Monday..

It such a great feeling to be able to wake up very fresh on Monday, and no Monday blues at all..

I woke up this morning with such a very great feeling.
I feel not sleepy, I feel energized, I have enough time to sip a cup of hot tea, do some brain gym, read some light articles and have time to plan my day ahead.
Thats all wonderful feeling that I have not been able to experience for.. quite a while (rr..years)

and its simply because I had a relaxed weekend.
I spent two days cooking at home, doing chores and lying on bed.
Never knows that it will make me have such a great feeling for Monday.

So, Good morning people!
Have a great Monday and great week ahead!

Morning view from my balcony
Sipping a cup of tea while planning the day ahead

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