Thursday 2 January 2014

Sharing Happiness to Others When You Actually Feel Unhappy

Happy New Year 2014 everyone..!!
Its time to be fierce, to be courageous and to grow more personally.

One of the habit that I'm trying to build since 2013 is meditation.
I believe that it will improve my mental resilience to face life ;)

So I use some simple apps that taught me meditation technique.
The apps is quite simple where it reminds me to do meditation everyday, and then they gave me a quote to ponder along with a nice music background to meditate.

One of my very first quote is "Happiness doesn't decrease when we share it with others"

Quite simple, and I am agree with that.
but something hit me when I do the meditation today,
I think that I never mind sharing happiness with others, but its really hard for me to share happiness when me myself feel unhappy.

That's the challenge!
During my silence time today, I am actually come to a realization that in the unhappy situation, if I can treat other people well and make them feel comfortable anytime (regardless the happiness meter of myself at that time) - will somehow help me to always feel good about myself and then link to the increase of my own happiness.

So... one of my very first commitment in this year is probably to always treat people well.
For my own happiness :) 
and probably you can try too...

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