Wednesday 25 September 2013

Things About Love that Logic Doesn't Understand

All of us know, Love and Logic are not always go along together well.

But I am so amazed how love can change logic mind, and even make irrational things..
become rational and acceptable.

I never imagine that love can justify everything and even change something 180 degrees to the opposite.

I am the living example.
I never thought or imagined that I could break all the boundaries set up by myself.

But Love does.
It makes me crazy and just act irrationally and I am happy.

I can say that I am impatient person, but for Love, I would nicely patiently wait...when things are slow, Love give me power and faith to wait.

I am an unbeliever of magic, but somehow Love has bring magic into my life.
1+1 not only equal to two , but more.

Love is becoming my religion, as it gives me faith.
Love is becoming my future, as it gives me hope.
and that's what logic doesn't give.. faith and hope.

Logic doesn't understand and never match with faith and hope.
its unexplained, and its intangible, but its there.

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