Thursday 10 February 2011

Hide and seek with fear

Life is very much full of surprises as weather
When you expect a bright sunny day, sometimes it doesn’t
And if I can be honest, day in my life not always be a warm one
Sometimes it is a dark stormy day that it is hardly to see forward
Since my early age
I was afraid of dark sky, more and more afraid of lightning and thunder
I closed my eyes so I didn’t see the sky burst
I protect my ears so I didn’t hear the constant explosion that hurt me so
I ran to deepest earth if I could, hiding from that heavy stormy rain
As I grow up..
I realize one thing, I can’t hide anymore.
I have to face the fear and start think what the worst could happen If I wasn’t hide.
As I grow up I try to face the fears
I try to see the lightning straightly
I try to catch the melody of thunder
I try to dance in the pouring rain
While waiting the storm passed, I learned how to enjoy the flash of lightning, the melody of thunder, and dancing with the raindrops
And I try to believe, on the next days I’ll see the most peaceful clear sky