Saturday 11 September 2010

Fairy Tale..

I was watching TV series lately…
There, life seems so much easy. Too easy.
Do what you love, speak what you have in mind, live a life. Done.

I have a question in mind…
“Can it be real? Can we have a real life doing only what we love,without sacrificing something?or its just a fairy tale story?” 
I was questioning it over and over..
I was watching and putting my eyes on star’s world (star ~ famous and successful people)
I am watching them and questioning “Do they have to sacrifice something to make a living?” Or “ They just lucky get a free fulfilling life, doing what they love, be rich because of it?”
I think, those kind of questions pop up in most of twenties… 
Identity crisis. Time to go to the jungle. Whatever..
Life in college never teach us how to live a life.
Worst part, it is not preparing us to be what we want to be.
And that’s what make twenties life so complicated ~ if I can say so..

We are graduated from college and university.
Having so much dream, having so much idealism.
We start looking for a job with reason for living.
No matter what the job is, we go for it.

After working for several months,
We realize that it isn’t what we want…
It is far away from what we say “perfect”
We get stuck, in the middle of nowhere and losing our deepest passion.
But we keep doing our best in our job in a way that we learn a word “realistic”
 Again, I am questioning “ Should we sacrifice something for make a good life? “